Donate your property to the university for immediate sale. You can donate your home, commercial property, vacation home, vacant land, or other underutilized property to the IU Foundation through an outright gift and see the impact of your generosity during your lifetime.
An outright gift
What a gift of real estate can help you accomplish
Consider your time
- Alleviate the burden of upkeep or selling a property yourself.
- Simplify your estate and the management of your current home.
Consider your finances
- Become eligible for a federal income tax deduction equal to the full fair market value of the property.
- Potentially eliminate capital gains tax on your property’s appreciation.
Consider your IU legacy
- Make an immediate, significant gift to IU.
How it works
Make an outright gift of real estate
- Let your IU development officer know that you’re considering a gift of real estate. Our team can guide you through some considerations and help you choose the best option for your situation and goals.
- When you’re ready to take the next steps with an outright gift, we will help you secure a qualified appraisal for your property, a cost for which you will be responsible.
- The process is the same as selling your home — yet simpler. The IU Foundation assumes all costs of closing so you won’t have any out-of-pocket closing expenses.
- If your gift also includes personal property, we will thoughtfully steward those belongings according to your wishes — to be curated for an IU collection, donated to an area nonprofit, monetized and added to the proceeds of the sale of your house, disposed of confidentially, or transported or shipped to loved ones.
- The IU Foundation will ready the property to be sold for its maximum value.
- The net proceeds will be used to fund the cause you’ve designated, and you may enjoy significant tax advantages.